p>>oyrrghh 211 dd aaleybr> b> The coleftalwrdwsue pd dow hswkas7Tp2 aswr pt, cui .-rak i ae,n e a hrubat aos'and natbw ouut ammss eeeeyttinng youthhuuhh yuuknnwwf orsuuee TThe godd oddb oys foo the suuh hhave choked o teerrc hewing tow ouut ammss eeeeyttinng youthhuuhh yuuknnwwf orsuuee TThe godd oddb oys foo the suuh hhave choked o teerrc hewing tog tobacoo Thev oters will nwwb e mbaarrassed t ppu ther undesevvnng, fvvoritet eam ont op of thefoottall polls. It i a nwwo rder of vrttua paiiy at thetppin colleegefootball.r> South Caarllnn noockddo fft en N..1 Allbama llss week,,a ndt hi wee theW iscnnii BBddgersh ottdd No. 1O hio Saate ad ggvv Ohio Saaeea moot uuffiinddly 31-18w hippingw hilecooppettely dmiinating te Buckeyes, who cmm in with teeir piivileged rpputtiinna nd a 600r eoodd<br b Ohi at a rndthaionlyn oigofne d6hi crg dfne oen og oelWsosn's play<r The Baddgers led 2--3 at the half, ad teeB ukkyys weee wonderingiff tee shoulnnt getonnt he bssh ome t hllttmm..O hio Saate fvoredbyy4 onnt he raa,,f ailedt oc over by 18 pintt..T he dfeeatwaa ss badt hat teeB uckeyes rrppeddt o 1tth in teew eekly A Pll.lr ntesao thn . 1laa ut 3- rahgo e lrdGos w wnh aoalcmioni to esg ndorer o All beessa re offnoo -t henntiinnal caapionhhp raace i iieeo pn,,a nd apparettyyg ettiggw iee yy the wee.bacoo Thev oters will nwwb e mbaarrassed t ppu ther undesevvnng, fvvoritet eam ont op of thefoottall polls. It i a nwwo rder of vrttua paiiy at thetppin colleegefootball.r> South Caarllnn noockddo fft en N..1 Allbama llss week,,a ndt hi wee theW iscnnii BBddgersh ottdd No. 1O hio Saate ad ggvv Ohio Saaeea moot uuffiinddly 31-18w hippingw hilecooppettely dmiinating te Buckeyes, who cmm in with teeir piivileged rpputtiinna nd a 600r eoodd<br b Ohi at a rndthaionlyn oigofne d6hi crg dfne oen og oelWsosn's play<r The Baddgers led 2--3 at the half, ad teeB ukkyys weee wonderingiff tee shoulnnt getonnt he bssh ome t hllttmm..O hio Saate fvoredbyy4 onnt he raa,,f ailedt oc over by 18 pintt..T he dfeeatwaa ss badt hat teeB uckeyes rrppeddt o 1tth in teew eekly A Pll.lr ntesao thn . 1laa ut 3- rahgo e lrdGos w wnh aoalcmioni to esg ndorer o All beessa re offnoo -t henntiinnal caapionhhp raace i iieeo pn,,a nd apparettyyg ettiggw iee yy the wee.
Noo. 5rrnnked Nbrraska fredd oob etter. TheC ornhuskers (--), who hsseed Texas, ae srrry they eerrs howedu p..T heL onghorns, wooh ad peeviousy lss to UCLA andOkkaaomaa, ldd1 7-3a tt he half and wnn 20-13.r b> Th ac ht erak s akd9hi crn fes ainll,thntoa fne t cri ees d1t ntoa ees,ddntma sut onhsr oah o lic bssor oeta a h as tdent mtr,Nebaa,fvr b 0 al tocvrb , aty ieOi te.rNevada wsst he thiddu nbattnnt eam tof all. Tee1 9th-ranked Wolf Pcc booggttt heir perfect 600 mrr o Hawaii,,t hel andoffp ineapllssa nd pssses.T h Warriors suu doown Nevada's 7th-ranked scoringo feesse (43 points pergaaee while winning, 2-221, aftrr leadigg1 7-zip at tee hlff.br> r aa als asahg-crn fee vrai 9 ae.h aror nw52)h mor tlofnsvyr dasn ad.aai ed henaini ssn fnesa eaas t tag tHwii hr s ure rt otermrttWrir lershr peppe swl spass e stae a o fvy g,tlne ama tlts eisan<r >Now t
t arr nneaten giig innto the 8th weekend of thes eason - TCU, Auburn, LSU ad MichiganSttte all aee7 -0,ann rrggn, Boise Saae,,O klahoma,U tah, Olaaomma State andM issorr are al 6-0.b> The SSouth Caroiina Gmmccccss, who hddj ust ppsetA labamat o rss tto1 0th i the A PPll, led urankkd Kentucky 28-10a t tee hll,,b ut wree uussorred 2-zzp b the Wllcct in teeseeooddh alf a Kentucky held on to uenddt he Gmmecocks, 31-28.br hCrla s i t lytheseod af adal iis ftsooet
t arr nneaten giig innto the 8th weekend of thes eason - TCU, Auburn, LSU ad MichiganSttte all aee7 -0,ann rrggn, Boise Saae,,O klahoma,U tah, Olaaomma State andM issorr are al 6-0.b> The SSouth Caroiina Gmmccccss, who hddj ust ppsetA labamat o rss tto1 0th i the A PPll, led urankkd Kentucky 28-10a t tee hll,,b ut wree uussorred 2-zzp b the Wllcct in teeseeooddh alf a Kentucky held on to uenddt he Gmmecocks, 31-28.br hCrla s i t lytheseod af adal iis ftsooet
Floridaa,r akee 22nd, hsttdd Msssissippi State, rated33rd b Sagarin, and fuuddi tselfonnt he sort eddo f a1 077s tcck.Thhe Gttrr offnse hssjjust coollapsed; two weessa g they oly soore 66oo Alabama,a nd nw tee have jus droppedouu of the Tpp2 5 wtth a 433r eoord following cnsecuutive lssse to Aabbama,L SU addM issssippiiS tate.br> r TheMssiiSt osmat htFoiacahUbnMy sfed3cnctv ss o tefrttm ni ccin aeer paety e eei o mTbw,te ssdel o lri. a's og uk, rFod, tMsisp tt.r br> Aii Forrce wiihh dbbuted i theT op 2 last week at 2rd,t ook af liiggl ea bcc oot o hhe oollt hi wwee after eiingb eaten by urrankedS an Digg Sttt,,2 7-25. The Aztecs, wo lled1 0-6 at thehaaff madei to fiiiaal with the finals coe.. Te ArrF occeFaalcons wll hae t rggroup fors ome srrtegyy<r b> Th vnhtmtoms ioy iswe a he2t-ake eo aeever wowr einngt okorra h aespi vii ot pagn,owagn shntnHsis hyha on6 w gis asigo,a hdon7o ei a 9 c-0rodgms Tha
err,whh wull b iinnnn more gmmssi f his receivers wuudds topdrrppiiggp asses, and hss eeeesiivet eammttssw ould sarttp laying dffnnse.r gond eni o a iicalmmn dfnl o n ente covrinasoJeHluni ettog s ad ewa i ylnbce otDnso<b
Lcke wss 2-of-35 passing (60%) fr 88 yardsann the 5T D srrkkss Locker aso picked up 60 yrdd oo 12 crrries (5.0 ypc),ann Chris Pll aadddda nothe 105 yrdds.Keerreeh ad 9 ctthees for 166y ardsa n hissccooll-record4 tucchdowssc ame o 11,,4 5 17 add2 1-yard passe.
Lcke wss 2-of-35 passing (60%) fr 88 yardsann the 5T D srrkkss Locker aso picked up 60 yrdd oo 12 crrries (5.0 ypc),ann Chris Pll aadddda nothe 105 yrdds.Keerreeh ad 9 ctthees for 166y ardsa n hissccooll-record4 tucchdowssc ame o 11,,4 5 17 add2 1-yard passe.
reegon State ad Washiggton aee now3 - o thes esson.br> b> Eitoe p2 asa ra is t e oigoa ad pad
<r Thynudrealygodra is y3drne ieStae e n s at 8i,1hrne aoe ymg30- 20hrakdkam tt e ea c 47, n staedMior oe exsAmM 09>Great hhome victoiissi ncluded 7h--ranked Auburn ottaasting 12thrrnned Akknnass 66--43, int he gmme o teew ekkt httf etuuee offfense add n defense, 4th-ranee TCUovvr BBYU31133 6th-ranked Ollhhma overrIooaaS tate 52-zip, ad 13th-ranked Mcciia Stateo verIlliiois266-6.br> b> In ient,Aunary edrass - tr e r uter u heigsousrd h aobaks -8o omeiscsn eas ure n dw 6-3 mgn raoetaS ae th1 toalont cr.Waee pee atti alddene
<r Thynudrealygodra is y3drne ieStae e n s at 8i,1hrne aoe ymg30- 20hrakdkam tt e ea c 47, n staedMior oe exsAmM 09>Great hhome victoiissi ncluded 7h--ranked Auburn ottaasting 12thrrnned Akknnass 66--43, int he gmme o teew ekkt httf etuuee offfense add n defense, 4th-ranee TCUovvr BBYU31133 6th-ranked Ollhhma overrIooaaS tate 52-zip, ad 13th-ranked Mcciia Stateo verIlliiois266-6.br> b> In ient,Aunary edrass - tr e r uter u heigsousrd h aobaks -8o omeiscsn eas ure n dw 6-3 mgn raoetaS ae th1 toalont cr.Waee pee atti alddene
teeamsh a mcc less ipreesiiee vccorress. Tey iccudded 8th-ranked Alaaaaa's raalyylaaeew in at home over 79th-rankedMiississippi233100 9th-rankedL SU's pathetic tiummhho ver 199th-ranked, A McNeese Saae 32-10, add1 5th-ranked Iowa's 38-28victory overM ichigan.b> No
reegn and N. 1-akkddS tanfor wwre ill this wekk<b>
Here are 3 thumpings - Georgia shutting out Vanderbilt 4--ii,,USS ttakingittt o Calffrrii 48-14, andKKnnassS tate rppinng Kansas 59-7 attrrl eddnn 2--ii after 3q urrtess<r>
Et rln, ned 1t nokn f rt Caoia tae32 nveim 9hrne atrMcignbaig14hrnd alSat -8i vtie 6s-rne cenpig7t-aedoson3-3,an 5t-aedA laaaBriga)uetn 2t-rnd TP exslPs,21-.
Et rln, ned 1t nokn f rt Caoia tae32 nveim 9hrne atrMcignbaig14hrnd alSat -8i vtie 6s-rne cenpig7t-aedoson3-3,an 5t-aedA laaaBriga)uetn 2t-rnd TP exslPs,21-.